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ondayM, April 29 to Sunday, May 5, 2024.. The flight will be a charter Madrid-Tinduf-Madrid

  • The price of the trip is 800€. This includes the Madrid-Tindouf roundtrip chartered flight, visa, ground transportation to the camps, homestays and all festival activities.
  • We process a collective visa. Please provide accurate passport information in the registration form; its expiration date must exceed six months at time of travel. This means that your passport must be valid at least until xxxx.
  • We will be staying with Sahrawi families and will sleep in their haimas, special desert tents. Although host families are provided with extra food for their guests,The visitors are required to provide their host family with €15 per day to cover all expenses and compensate the work.
  • If you already know a family in the refugee camp where the festival is held and would like to stay with them, please provide the festival organizers with the family’s name, telephone number and precise location within El Aaiún.
  • You will receive additional information on payment, the trip, your stay and festival programming once you have registered.